Fee Based Service

The following fees only apply to clients we are not mandated to serve.

Transcription of resources into alternate formats

Alternate format transcription currently costs $85 per hour, plus a 20% administration fee, plus GST, unless otherwise indicated.  Billable time includes, but is not limited to production, editing, and communication with the client and disability centre.  CAPER-BC reserves the right to change its billing structure should the cost of production change; however, CAPER-BC will provide notification in the advance of any change in billing structure.

For information on current production, please see the list of formats. Please note, we do not produce Braille.

Loans from the CAPER-BC collection

When possible, CAPER-BC will fill requests for alternate format materials from inventory. Lending fees are $75 per loan plus shipping charges, if applicable.

InterLibrary Loan

CAPER-BC will borrow or acquire alternate format materials from external partners to fill requests. Fees are $75 per loan plus shipping charges, in addition to any fees charged by the original lender.

Expectations of Requesting Institution and CAPER-BC Services

Obligations of requesting institution:

  • The eligibility of clients must be certified by qualified disability services personnel, who must complete and submit an application form to CAPER-BC. This form must also be endorsed by the student.
  • Institutions must complete a request form for every new request submitted to CAPER-BC.
  • Institutions may be required to provide an outline detailing required readings within a text, as well as a reading schedule.  This information may be used to produce only required sections of a text, in the order in which the material will be used.
  • Institutions that request a new production from CAPER-BC are required to purchase a hard copy text for the CAPER-BC production team.  This hard copy can be returned upon request; however, alternations, such as the removal of the book’s spine, may have been made to the book as part of the production process.
  • The institution will ensure that the necessary adaptive equipment is available for the student to ensure effective use of the alternate format.

Obligations of CAPER-BC:

  • In all cases, CAPER-BC will search for alternate format titles in national and international databases to determine if the material already exists before recommending production.
  • CAPER-BC will produce the material according to its established standards, taking into account the cost, timeliness and preferred format. If time does not permit complete editing, material will be delivered without final editing.
  • CAPER-BC will produce requested material in as timely a manner as possible, given the existing production backlog at the time of the receipt of the print copy. In the event that CAPER-BC does not have the capacity to compete the production because of workload or other exigencies, CAPER-BC may be unable to fulfill requests.
  • CAPER-BC reserves the right to complete the book even if the whole book is not used by the student. In all but unusual cases, the charge to the institution will be based on the production of the whole book.
  • CAPER-BC will keep a master copy of the material in alternate format and lend the item to other clients if requested.